Quest Engineering Solutions is a leading provider of stress screening and many other testing services.

Stress screening is performed to ensure products subjected to extreme situations will survive. Stress screening of a product can mean several things. The most common stress tests are Burn-in testing, ESS (Environmental Stress Screening), HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing), and HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screening).
Burn-In Testing
Burn-in testing forces electronic products to run for extended periods of time, revealing any failures that may occur over time with the product.
ESS (Environmental Stress Screening)
Environmental Stress Screening exposes products to conditions, such as thermal cycling and vibration, to inflict stress on the product and accelerate possible failures.
HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing)
Highly Accelerated Life Testing is an extreme form of accelerated aging using rapid thermal cycling and multi-axial vibration to reveal any weaknesses that may occur in the product down the line.
HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screening)
Highly Accelerated Stress Screening is used to identify problems and weaknesses in the manufacturing process and is most beneficial when conducted as an add-on to HALT. HASS exposes the product to further temperature and vibration profiles to ensure its integrity.